Intelligent control appears as uncontrol or freedom.
And for that reason it is genuinely intelligent control.
Unintelligent control appears as external domination.
And for that reason it is really unintelligent control.
Intelligent control exerts influence without appearing to do so.
Unintelligent control tries to influence by making a show of force.
On the occasion of an invitation by OS Studio, Niveau Zero Atelier presents an attempt to walk in between Lao Tzu’s quote & the OS Grid.
They will present a set of furniture that both functionally and materially engage in a reflexion about the way control and organicity meets in our domestic environments and our bodies, how they interact and balance each others. By looking at modularity, it’s failures and successes, with a kind of critical humor, they also propose a vision of design that is aligned to OS philosophy : that of a design as a way to welcome and take care for the unexpected.